Sunday, November 28, 2010

The reason we moved was...

Pat created an opportunity for us to try a new life on the coast. He brought his work home with him one day for some extra training (the bird not Pat).

Goose had a lot to say about the experience. Between the noise of the kids, the dogs and the cats (who eyed him with great suspicion) he hollered to no end.

Eventually he got used to his surroundings (which was what Pat was trying to accomplish). I tried to pet him once but I'm not as comfortable with them as Pat is. Eventually I'll get the hang of it, but for now I'll leave it to the experienced one of the house.


  1. Wendy! Sounds like your on an adventure! Love the blog, keep it up :) So what exactly does Pat do?

  2. He's doing bird control at the landfill here. Doesn't sound like a glamourous job, but it's important. By keeping the seagulls off the landfill they don't spread disease to the shorebirds, plus they like to puke up the garbage in the water. Neat eh? Hows sailing?

  3. Sounds cool to me, office jobs are way over rated. Sailing is great but we have yet to enjoy many of the benefits, lots of planning and research, and provisioning but the fun stuff is coming soon. Heading to Key Largo tomorrow and then Marathon, where I hope to jump in the ocean for the first time to do some snorkeling.
    So are you still doing At kind of work then? Sounds like you have quit the little farm going. Can't wait to read your next post:)
