Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's been three weeks...

since moving to the island. Lots of rainy weather but at least not too cold. House is slowly shaping up as the boxes slowly disappear. Yesterday the kids convinced me it was time to put the Christmas tree up. Hopefully I'll have it decorated before Christmas actually comes.

The yard is progressing slower than I'd hoped. We still don't have a fence and we are waiting for power to come to the shed so we can get chickens. The picture on the right is the future chicken coop. Eventually the space between the buildings will be the chicken run.

 Last week we discovered a doggy ball hidden in the grass underneath this tree (it's in front of the red horse trailer). A real treasure for Timber, now that she has the cone off she can actually dig it out from whatever she looses it under.

The novelty of the cows in the yard starts to wear off when you step off your front stoop into a large fresh cow patty. I hung my wind chime I got from 10 Thousand Villages. At least it's starting to look like home.

I guess the way everyone gets rid of their yard debris is generally by burning it. We have at least 4 or 5 giant piles of yard debris that the landlord has been creating or was created by the last owners. This pile is what is slowly growing with the clearing for the fence. I shudder to think of the flames it could throw, but considering that it's pretty wet, it will probably just smoke a lot.

So hopefully we'll see some progress soon. I miss having a yard to play in.

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