Monday, October 25, 2010

We made it!!!!

It's been a crazy 4 days. Friday we madly packed the van and at the time thought it would all fit. By Saturday noon we knew it was a lost cause. Everything outdoor was left behind (we're going to have to make another trip) 2days of driving and we made it to the new house. Only a few tantrums and meltdowns.

House doesn't look too bad, some things were better than I thought. Not quite as ready as I hoped. I still feel like I'm breathing dust. Needs a good clean. One cupboard needs repair and the yard is still full of junk. Lots of possibilities though.

I'd take pictures but I don't know where the batteries are for the camera. Every hour or so the phrase "we left that  behind" comes up. Needless to say a trip to the store will be in order for tomorrow. Ronan and I still have coughs, mine goes away for a little while after I've had a glass of wine, looks like I know what I need right now.

One more day until I head back to Calgary for my doll convention, so much to do!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello to the Wises!! Glad to hear you at least made it!! Picture will come, as will the settlement. I'm excited to hear more of this adventure as it unfolds :)

