Monday, January 24, 2011

Boy were we not prepared...

Morning of January 12th, well pretty much middle of the night, I get woken up by a music box mysteriously starting up on it's own. Trudge down from the kids room where I had fallen asleep the night before. Stumble through the dark with a box that just won't stop playing. Can't seem to turn the lights on in the laundry room (What the hell?). Finally decide to put the box outside where it won't wake anyone and we've got a foot of snow but it suddenly stops playing.

So back into the house I go to only realize we have no power. It's just after midnight (thanks go to my cellphone which I had just happened to charge the day before). I crawl back into bed after covering up the kids (since there is no heat at this time) thinking it should be back by morning.

5:00am, still no power...

6:00am power and Pat has to get ready to leave for work. I go outside in my winter boots and jammies to help push the car out since it's bottomed out on the snow.

After Pat leaves I decide to go back to bed since what else am I going to do by the light of a bunch of little tealights. It's too cold to do anything else.

9:00am...still no power. Planning on taking kids to Calgary although not sure if our flight at 12:30 is still a go. Decide to wing it anyways. So we cook some oatmeal on the campstove on the front step before heading out to the bakery for some treats for Gramma.

The roads were crappy, although at least we got on our flight and made it all the way to Calgary although getting off the plane in -33'C (with the windchill) made me miss my 2'C with no power.

We finally got power back home by midnight the next night. At least now we know that we really need to get together an "In case of no power" emergency kit. Tealights don't cut it for heat. No flashlight, campstove was hidden away and we should have had more water set aside because had we stayed at home we would have easily ran out.

At least the birds were warm. No losses there. And the snow was pretty.

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